- October 19, 2021
- by MiQuel Marvin Samuels
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- Cuisine: American Food, Jamaican/Caribbean Food
- Difficulty: Easy
Cook TimeNone
This is ’depression and Sadness’ remedial. Get the best remedial recipes. I declared – I am not a doctor but an Naturalist/Herbalist Unlicensed; Therefore before using any remedial on this website, first consult…!! Depression is major depressive disorders, which affects your feeling; depression is serious medical illness. Many people are dealing with depression, which are common problem affecting people in negative ways.
Depression affects the way you feel, how you are thinking, and how you are acting as well. Depression is treatable disorders. Depression will give you the feelings of sadness. Depression will enable your interest to do the activities you once loved. Depression can lead to a variety of emotional problems. Depression physical pains and problems will make you not function at work or home effectively.
The prices of manufactured drugs are expensive and sometimes unsafe if not managed properly. Here we help you return, and then rediscover the healing elements in edible/herbals plants. Plants can enhance healing effectiveness, all at your home. Nevertheless, when using medicinal plants from the wild; you need to know what specific plant you need to heal the ailment in you.
These recipes are culinary arts from around the world food Show; Video Entertainment Network Website. Our slogan is “REMEMBER NOW.! Nature’s Food Brain Body & Harmony; Master Your Emotions…!” All Right..!
How to prepare ’depression and Sadness’ remedial?
CARIBBEAN JAMAICAN DINNERS CHEF RECOMMENDS USING REAL NATURAL INGREDIENT to prepare this ’depression and Sadness’ remedial. It was prepared with real natural ingredients. Do not use artificial flavoring! To keep your immune system healthy eat real natural spices and food. This will give your remedial a natural flavor; the food would taste more delicious. And most importantly, your liver and other organs will love you for feeding them well.
This chef cooks Jamaican food with fresh or dried herbs such as basil, cilantro or parsley, tarragon, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, and sage. Real natural spices such as pepper, pimento berries, dill seeds, pepper corn, whole cloves, etc. Vegetables like real natural onion, garlic, scallion or chives and ginger. Our website has the #1 best remedial ideas & remedial recipes online. The #1 typical remedial, #1 remedial most popular idea, #1 traditional remedial recipe, the #1 remedial healing shows.
How to keep clean when I prepare ’depression and Sadness’ remedial?
This is how to keep your remedial area in kitchen clean while preparing ’depression and Sadness’. Put a clean kitchen rag in soap and water. Add several drops of bleach in it. Avoid using scrubbers! Squeeze the rag; remove excess water. Wipe the counter tops, kitchen appliances, and then stove clean. After that, wipe it again with just water or add several drops of bleach in the water.
Some people use a dried rag/cloth to rub, and then buff the kitchen appliances until it gleams. Before you cook, wash your hands properly. To do this, add soap and water on your hands, rub it together until it suds. Rub between the fingers and nails, ensure to clean your hands properly. Rinse your hands properly, and then dry it with a clean paper towel.
This is ’depression and Sadness’ remedial. When I drink tea should I sweetened it with honey or sugar?
Honey is a real natural sweetener, it is the sweet viscous secretion nectar from flowers and blossoms gland. Honey works well as a great sweetener for any tea. Sugar is made from sugarcane. Special machinery at a factory extracted the cane juice, then purified, filtered and crystalized it into raw sugar. The color is golden or white granulated sugar. You could sip the tea plain as well.
- Depression and Sadness
Instructions: (Depression and Sadness Remedial; Emotional Maturity) Here are some things you can use to help reduce the symptoms of depression.
● Exercise regularly, when you exercise the activities clear your mind from think so hard and too intense on your issues. Regular exercise improves your moods, and it will leave you feeling energized and refreshed.
● Get 6 between 8 hours full sleep daily. (Go to sleep 5 hours after your last meal; that way your body do not work digesting food while you sleep. This is healthy behavior people should practice doing every day).
● Avoid fatty Foods and foods with carbohydrates, because your digestive system works 10 times hard to break down those foods digesting. Eat more nature’s foods, real food such as meat, fish, liver, kidney, a burger with vegetable is ok, even with the bun. Eat no or less pasta, eat no processed foods; rice, potatoes, etc is best. Eat fruits and nuts!! Avoid Alcohol – it’s a mood depressant, it reduces the symptoms of depression.
● Laughter and Smiling – Laughing will make you smile and increase your good feeling moods and then makes you feel happy. Watch comedy shows, be around happy and understand people. Allow yourself to be happy even if you are not, and remember if you have reasons to be sad, that is healthy, normal and it helps balance your emotions. It not healthy to be full happy as well; that’s a different story! In fact you find yourself being happy all the time. Sometimes you will get sad for no reason, and that normal as well.
● Get Sun Light in the morning and late afternoon. Get your sun bath sun rise or sunset. Sun light is natural free and the best medication for depression. (Why you think the medication commercial always show depression people walking or running towards the sun light.) Sunlight creates natural chemical in your body to make you feel happy called SEROTONIN. If Sunlight at those times of the day hit your body it vitamin-D synthesis SEROTONIN; this is the only health source of getting Vitamin-D in your body. SEROTONIN is natural feel good drug (chemical). Your body makes it naturally, when you laugh, have sex, happy, get good or bad news.
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MiQuel Marvin Samuels
MIQUEL MARVIN SAMUELS (Proper Nutrition Chef) - Natural Cooking Author of Cookbooks: JAMAICAN DINNERS, JAMAICAN BREAKFASTS and MORE; Author: THE SECRET TO START AND DEVELOP YOUR BUSINESS; He WON JCDC 2005, 06 & 07 (Visual Arts).
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Depression and Sadness Remedial
Follow The Directions
Instructions: (Depression and Sadness Remedial; Emotional Maturity) Here are some things you can use to help reduce the symptoms of depression.

● Exercise regularly, when you exercise the activities clear your mind from think so hard and too intense on your issues. Regular exercise improves your moods, and it will leave you feeling energized and refreshed.

● Get 6 between 8 hours full sleep daily. (Go to sleep 5 hours after your last meal; that way your body do not work digesting food while you sleep. This is healthy behavior people should practice doing every day).

● Avoid fatty Foods and foods with carbohydrates, because your digestive system works 10 times hard to break down those foods digesting. Eat more nature’s foods, real food such as meat, fish, liver, kidney, a burger with vegetable is ok, even with the bun. Eat no or less pasta, eat no processed foods; rice, potatoes, etc is best. Eat fruits and nuts!! Avoid Alcohol – it’s a mood depressant, it reduces the symptoms of depression.

● Laughter and Smiling – Laughing will make you smile and increase your good feeling moods and then makes you feel happy. Watch comedy shows, be around happy and understand people. Allow yourself to be happy even if you are not, and remember if you have reasons to be sad, that is healthy, normal and it helps balance your emotions. It not healthy to be full happy as well; that’s a different story! In fact you find yourself being happy all the time. Sometimes you will get sad for no reason, and that normal as well.

● Get Sun Light in the morning and late afternoon. Get your sun bath sun rise or sunset. Sun light is natural free and the best medication for depression. (Why you think the medication commercial always show depression people walking or running towards the sun light.) Sunlight creates natural chemical in your body to make you feel happy called SEROTONIN. If Sunlight at those times of the day hit your body it vitamin-D synthesis SEROTONIN; this is the only health source of getting Vitamin-D in your body. SEROTONIN is natural feel good drug (chemical). Your body makes it naturally, when you laugh, have sex, happy, get good or bad news.